
Twitter trolls et al: To quote Jon Stewart, “Settle down.” I spent an hour and a half down at Occupy Seattle tonight, and the rumors of its eviction by the City are stupidly exaggerated. There are more than twice as many protesters in Westlake Center as spent the night there last night. The tenting ground … [more]

Date night

We spent last evening making PBJs and hot chai as fast as we could run our little kitchen. The call from Occupy Seattle was for food and tarps. There was a contact number listed. It went to the cell phone for “Erin,” who cheerfully assured us that they didn’t need high tensile strength grommeted tarps, … [more]

Making ends meet

From an ABC News report by Olivia Katrandjia on the ongoing Occupy Wall Street protests, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg put it all into perspective for his protectorate. “The protesters are protesting against people who make $40,000 to $50,000 a year who are struggling to make ends meet. That’s the bottom line,” Bloomberg said. … [more]

Social Studies questions

Three-quarters of American voters (and 63 percent of global investors) support the “Buffet Rule” to raise taxes on our wealthiest citizens. Calls to Congress ran 300:1 against bailing out bankers. When TARP passed, investment bankers paid each other one-time bonuses that outweigh your entire life’s earnings. The top one-hundredth of one percent of Americans now … [more]

Secrets of Nym…

I’m gonna miss my Google+ account when they take it away from me, as must surely happen any minute now. Not because I paid anything for it — like all social networking media to date, G+ relies more on selling me to advertisers than on selling stuff to me — and not because I get … [more]

Talking to soldiers

I remember standing to attention for the first time in the gymnasium at the Joe R. Hooper USARC in Bothell, and feeling like an absolute fraud. Then I followed the young guys back into the supply room cages, where smells of rubber and oil and brass pervaded, and remembered… This is what soldiering smells like… … [more]

For Whom the Liberty Bell Tolls (or: Brief Thoughts on Crossing the Border on a Motorcycle)

I am an American, and this means certain things. As an American, I will say what I want, when I want, to whom I want. If you find my speech upsetting or disgusting, dangerous or irresponsible or even un-American, that’s your problem.  I’m an American.  I say what I want. I have the right to … [more]

What dreams may come?

My favorite things are memories that wait for me to come to them, instead of chasing me through the night to whisper terrible truths when I tire and can’t outrun them. This has been a summer of quality memory building. The Triumph ride in California was a grand jaunt, even if I did come home … [more]