Out of sync, out of season, and probably not for you

From ca. 2009: For a while, I’d hated going into Costco, but I was getting past that. It’s just, well… there’s all that harsh, white light. Tons of people, too many to watch, and confusing levels of background noise. And all those god-damned lights… did we talk about the lights? No way to tell who’s … [more]

Blood Money

NOTE: I unearthed this little screed today while poking around my hard drive for other, unrelated material. I was angry when I drafted this. Since I’m still angry months later, I’m posting this as-was without revisions or further fact-checking. Consider it a short-duration time capsule. If you’d care to argue about it, or quibble over … [more]

Settle Down

If you believe only G-d can judge you, but you blithely affirm that gays are sinners… If you believe every woman has the right to an abortion, but no man has the right to a gun… If you’re pretty sure the definition of terrorism turns more on egalitarian memes than on the motives of murdering … [more]

A Bug on the Windshield, Driving Home

This is where he might have gone, after I saw him. No idea which versions are the biggest lie. Maybe you’ll be able to tell. I saw him perfectly framed through the cracked windshield of our Subaru, slashed out in jagged chiaroscuro by the bladed beams of late October daylight. Like a digital exposure perfectly … [more]

Not even slightly about Harvey Weinstein

Decades ago, when I was younger and taller and faster and dumber, I found the big red Guzzi parked on a carpet of flattened beer cans and discarded condoms in the alcove under a staircase at our Mission-style barracks on Fort Sill, leaned down to the clubman bars, and rolled her out onto the wet … [more]


Today, Facebook treated me to an odd gift, a little movie about my “Faceversary.” Seems I’ve been on the thing for a solid decade, more than making good on my membership in (if this group even still exists) Creepy Old Guys On Facebook. It was an odd present to receive on the occasion of Daughtergirl’s … [more]