Night Driver

Written in 2006 and excerpted from a previous manuscript, this another snippet that didn’t make the cut for my book, Nothing In Reserve.  As mentioned previously, I’d like to put a couple of these out there during the week before Veterans Day (during which Nothing In Reserve will be on sale in recognition of veterans). Please note that, although written … [more]

110 Percenters

What does it mean to be elite? Does it mean you give the most, or take the most? Does it mean you gain the most influence, or does it mean you set a selfless example? Does it mean you do your own job with particular excellence, lead others to do their best, or take on … [more]

Battle Hymns

Written in 2006 and excerpted from a previous manuscript, this piece didn’t make the cut for my book, Nothing In Reserve.  I’d like to put a couple of these out there during the week before Veterans Day (during which Nothing In Reserve will be on sale in recognition of veterans). Hope you find something worthwhile … [more]


  If thou’lt permit… We’re having a reading from Nothing In Reserve: True Stories, Not War Stories at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park, WA. This is the last anticipated reading in the Seattle area. The reading takes place at 1830 (6:30 p.m.) on Saturday, November 19 and will run for about an hour … [more]

Sword of Gabriel

SPACE-TIME UPDATE:  The following article about YAMAM was written as a sidebar for Motorcyclist magazine, where it did not run due to size constraints.  Because I admire the guys profiled here and because Middle East conflicts are perennially timely, I’ve elected to run it here. Mounted police officers seem to spend most of their time … [more]

Social Studies questions

Three-quarters of American voters (and 63 percent of global investors) support the “Buffet Rule” to raise taxes on our wealthiest citizens. Calls to Congress ran 300:1 against bailing out bankers. When TARP passed, investment bankers paid each other one-time bonuses that outweigh your entire life’s earnings. The top one-hundredth of one percent of Americans now … [more]

Talking to soldiers

I remember standing to attention for the first time in the gymnasium at the Joe R. Hooper USARC in Bothell, and feeling like an absolute fraud. Then I followed the young guys back into the supply room cages, where smells of rubber and oil and brass pervaded, and remembered… This is what soldiering smells like… … [more]

For Whom the Liberty Bell Tolls (or: Brief Thoughts on Crossing the Border on a Motorcycle)

I am an American, and this means certain things. As an American, I will say what I want, when I want, to whom I want. If you find my speech upsetting or disgusting, dangerous or irresponsible or even un-American, that’s your problem.  I’m an American.  I say what I want. I have the right to … [more]