Honey Badger doesn’t care!

It’s hardly atypical for politicians in our beautifully constitutional republic to dispense with uncooperative swathes of the electorate, but it’s wildly unusual for a candidate to let as many DGAFs** attract public notice as Gov. Willard “Mitt” Romney has. He’s transformed himself from a pasty, banal, say-nothing flip-flopper into the archetypal Honey Badger, a creature … [more]

Dialing 9-1-1

Some of us are tired of rehashing September 11, 2001.  “It’s been more than a decade,” some say, “why can’t you just let it go?” There are, after all, so many things to be concerned about.  People die every day, and in a country of nearly 300 million souls, even the death of 3,000 at … [more]

Dream Boyz

When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had dreams, they were visions of a better future for all humankind. When I have dreams, they’re just very strange narratives that leave me lying awake, wondering who it is that lives in my head at night. Last night’s entry in the annual Academy Awards for Political Unconciousness went … [more]

Real Americans

Real Americans don’t beat each other down. We help each other up. If someone else needs a beatdown, real Americans stand ready to administer it — and then offer the same hand up that we offer each other. Real Americans don’t break up American companies for a living and call ourselves “job creators.” We found … [more]

“G-D Was Busy”

Here’s a parable that confuses me a bit. You can find it all over the place, not just on Christian web sites and socially conservative blogs but sprinkled around Facebook and MySpace and really, wherever glib ideations go to spawn. It goes like this: A United States Marine was attending some college courses between assignments.  … [more]

On the day of the Dear Leader’s departure

In the picture, you can’t tell he’s dead. If any picture says a thousand words, 900 of them turn to lies as the facts change. We might have toasted him back then, the chubby scion of the Great Leader. From across the DMZ from Radar Site 7 on Soi San Mountain, through the cavalry’s ship-to-shore … [more]

The doggie loves me…

… or he wouldn’t have gone. Tucker hates riding in the car. It takes him a mile or two just to stop shaking like a meth-sizzled Chihuahua, then he settles into whistling and drooling his discontent with motorized transport. Stands to reason, I suppose. His first experience of automobiles was getting stuffed into the back … [more]

A few of my personal veterans

Thanks, Dad.  Thank you for ferrying those air-sea rescue birds back from Da Nang, for rescuing that family in Alaska, and for letting me wear your retired F86 helmet — that rubber-faced sorting hat of dreams — when I was four years old. Thank you, Paul, my other dad.  Thank you for exemplifying quiet professionalism, … [more]