Are you not… ENTERTAINED?

So NBC is undergoing a gut check, and it’ll be interesting to see if they discover an existence proof. Brian Williams’s imaginary traumas in the desert have come home to roost on his head like loose-boweled pigeons, and the network is in a bit of a tizzy. What to do? Dozens of millions of dollars are … [more]

Cool story, bro

Image stolen from a Pinterest poseur boy. Well, sure, it got pretty intense that time, but I wasn’t scared. With Brian Williams at the controls of our chopper, what could possibly go wrong? Showing complete disregard for his personal safety, Reporter’s Mate First Class Williams hovered the bird over our enemies in the face of withering fire. … [more]

Knock this chip off my pedestal

Enough about the sniper guy, already. If you believe that Chris Kyle was a hero without flaws, you’ve gone woozy from the intoxicating smell of his jock. He was, at the least, an occasional liar and notable braggart. Not that I begrudge him his well-earned braggadocio (per the Oakland Raiders of yore, “it ain’t braggin’ if … [more]

Onward & Upward

I’m learning to fly, but I ain’t got wings. Coming down is the hardest thing. —Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, Learning to Fly   “Are you scared, Jack?” “No way, Dad!” I stood there, looking up the hill at what’s now named Straddleline ORV Park. It’s been closed off and on over the years. Back … [more]

Want to Break New Ground?

Head Check: What it Feels Like to Ride Motorcycles is live on, which means that just any old person can buy it, from all over the world. That’s an exciting notion for me. But what does it mean for you, Loyal Reader? Yeah… you. Over there. The tall, good-lookin’ one with critical thinking powers and … [more]

Showing Off

It’s been a long time since it was cool to go to a motorcycle show. Just corporate shills, and overpriced exotica, and hipsters and posers and fakes. Right? I don’t care, though. Turns out I like motorcycles quite a bit, enough to overcome my aversion to crowds. Enough to meet up with people I have … [more]